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Packing The Perfect Medical Kit For Your Motorcycle Trip

Challenges and adversities are the prefaces of the Motorcycling trip textbook. Many times, these are unavoidable. Unpredictable weather and unfriendly traffic only start the long list of ‘ways things can go wrong’ on a motorcycle trip. Hence preparing yourself for such a situation might the only way to go about it.

Medical Kit For Your Motorcycle Trip

Packing a medical-kit for your trip is similar to having sweets on Diwali, you either eat none or eat too much. Carrying the right medical supplies might be one of the worst dilemmas faced by a first timer and quite often, finding the perfect balance between too less and too much can be frustrating.

Hence, here are some of the things that your medical kit should not lack before the onset of your grand journey.

The one thing that minor and major falls have in common are abrasions or bruises. However, dusting off an open wound with your hand and neglecting it as it is might pose a greater threat. The threat of an infection. Dirt homes numerous bacteria, and a bruised skin is its easiest entry. Bacteria such as Clostridia present in the dirt can cause severe (sometimes lethal) infections such as tetanus or gas gangrene.

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What should be in a travel medical kit?

Hence, one should always carry a disinfectant soap in the medic kit. In situations without water one can always opt for a handy pack of pre-moistened antibacterial wipes. Apart from that, an excellent alternative for antibacterial soaps might be any alcohol based disinfectant which can be applied directly. The pH value of alcohol makes it difficult for the bacteria to survive.

Complementary to the first, the second most crucial thing to carry would be a dressing kit including nothing more than a non-stick bandage and medical tapes to keep the dressing in place. Cleaning a minor abrasion with a disinfectant would most likely suffice. However, in the event of minor bleeding, the best solution is to clog it.

Things might get a little more challenging in case of a severe crash and one of the things that become the most difficult is to work with a stable mind. In the event of a major accident, primary instincts should always make you call for emergency medical services (EMS). Technology can be one of the most useful tools during times like this.

Downloading your route offline and marking the hospitals is as important as physically packing a medic kit. However, in the event when the ambulance might not reach the spot. There are certain things that must be done.

The key to extinguishing the situation starts with a solution for bleeding. Most of the times, the best way to go about it is to stop the blood from reaching the wound, which brings us to the third most essential element in the kit, a tourniquet. A tourniquet is essentially a tight band that will stop the flow of blood from your heart to the wound.

This reduces the blood pressure around the ruptured arteries and reduces the chances of excess bleeding. A common preconceived notion about tourniquets might say that it is harmful. However, it should be noted that a tourniquet should not be tied for more than a few hours. And should be taken off only by professionals.

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